How Strategically placed Art in Healthcare helps you in Healing?

Hospitals go beyond clinical excellence and now offer an end number of therapeutic facilities for the well-being of their pati

Plastic Free July

There was the time when in wedding parties or any other social gatherings, food was served on pattals, (plates made of dried l

Empathy Erosion around the Globe

Humans are becoming technologically advanced every single day but with that, they are losing their emotions, compassion, and f

An Influx of Positivity- The Diya Campaign

So many arguments are coming up on the context of our Prime minister’s “Challenge the Darkness Drive.” 

It’s Women’s Day Today! #EachforEqual

The golden eagle serves as a metaphor for independence for many. And at the same time, the eagle is known for its predatory sk

A Phantasm of Terror-The Pulwama Attack.

The recent spate of attacks on CRPF Jawans has again lent teeth to the phantasm of terror. Cross Border terrorism has always b

Art Makes Memories…Memories Make Art

Art is borne out of the desire to express. And an expression many times is a recreation of events in our consciousness. Numero

The Year Ahead – Through Rose-Colored Glasses

The Year Ahead – Through Rose-Colored GlassesAs the year comes to end it seems to me that the year 2018 turned out to be

Does Art Have Boundaries-Limitless Art?

Does art have boundaries? Well, I feel that art is actually a tool for being in a state of liberation. It is fluid and seeps i

The Art of Consent- Politics in the Artworld

Art is often used to manufacture opinions & there are plenty of examples to drive this point home. There are multiple artw